Cast Iron plant will thin in indoor light but they are pretty hardy plants and can adapt to lower light. You could grow Aechmea fasticata 'Primera' outdoors in USDA zones 9b - 11. You can really notice the difference when you are handling Aechmea fasciata as it tends to leave little scratches where ever it touches your skin. Before you send a houseplant care question, please be sure to read this information on watering your indoor house plants, how to help keep your your indoor house plants root system healthy and lighting for your indoor house plants and flowers. A ground cover or mass planting in front of a green-foliaged shrub grouping that branches to the ground makes a nice, bright accent for a partially shaded spot. Delivery where you need them to go. Repotting. There are many types of bromeliads but the Aechmea bromeliads have some of the most beautiful flowers and foliage of all the bromeliad plants. A dense, central, terminal spike of purple tubular flowers is formed, often with colourful, pink triangular bracts. Keep humidity up … Almost everyone who tries to grow urn plants wants them to bloom. Visit Clean Line Soap Co. for vibrant soaps to brighten up your shower, buttery bath bombs to soften your baths and skin, and that's just to start! How long your Aechmea bromeliad flower stays looking good really depends on the care they receive, the light and how far into their bloom stage they were when they were acquired. That is why I started this website, to help others learn how to care for their indoor plants and flowers. So if you have one of these plants, don't be upset if it starts to die after you have had it for awhile as this is natural. A plant must be at least three years old before it produces a flower stem. For a healthy plant, the water should be emptied on refilled once a week to prevent stagnation. It can also be grown epiphytically , as, for example, with moss around its roots and wired to rough bark. Need a gift for a holiday, anniversary, or just to let someone know that you are thinking of them? It produces a spherical, woolly, fleshy fruit. Check this handy guide of 151 Most Common Flower Types in the U.S. Pictures and information about how much sun your flower will need. More information about some common flowers. Easy plants and flower for everyone. Aechmea fasticata 'Primera' Care. Care of Aechmea Fasciata Bromeliad House Plants & Flowers Bromeliads are indoor flowering house plants that can add great color and texture to your indoor garden. I have gotten a few through to maturity and bloom production but that was in a small backyard greenhouse. It is an epiphyte, commonly called an air plant, and in the wild it grows on other plants where it receives moisture from heavy rains and nutrients from decaying debris around its roots. Soggy soil will cause rot at the base of your urn plant bromeliad. Bright light without direct sunlight is preferable. Pictured here an Aechmea bromeliad plant. Peace Lily plant has white flowers. Working in the interior landscape industry, I get a lot of questions from customers about their personal house plants. They do best in temperatures between 65 and 75 F.(12-24 C.), although they can tolerate higher with regular misting. You can set on a humidity tray, place in a naturally humid room or group with other houseplants to help increase humidity levels. Can be left out in cold weather, too! Here are some ideas for flowering plants for your garden, yard, patio, or deck. Silver Vase (A. trifasciata) This Urn plant is characterized by its chalky-grey leaves and the violet flowers in between the pyramid-forming pink bracts. Use plants with foliage only, or plants with small to medium flowers with cool bright colors, such as purples and blues, to contrast with the soft pink of the bromeliad flower. Those colorful, long lasting bracts rising from the center of the plant are the ultimate reward in caring for an urn plant. Cast Iron plant, grow indoors or outdoors. I hope that your indoor tropical house plants and all of your plants and flowers are happy, green and growing because that is why I started this indoor house plant and flower care website, You can fertilize your urn plant bromeliad by misting with a weak foliar spray or by adding a half strength solution to the water at its center once a month. I would be happy to answer any house plant questions as I can. Their secret to keeping them looking great is that they are replaced on a regular schedule. Pothos is a popular houseplant and will trail over the edge of the pot or climb a trellis or pole. The simply need clean water in their tank and bright, indirect light. Morphological characteristics of Aechmea fasciata. Root rot can be a problem if the soil is too moist. After your bromeliad plant has completed its bloom cycle, the mother plant will also eventually begin to die and the shoots that form at the base of the plant will continue to grow. While the urn plant is beautiful, easy, and rewarding. If your plant gets knocked over, you will have the water spilled out on your floor or furniture. Aeonium 'Kiwi' - Kiwi Aeonium . Water. It has both the points and the white chalky banding. I grow them on my porch and patio. It’s best to keep the vase, urn or tank (the center where the flower arises out of) 1/4 to 1/2 way full of water. Being an animal lover, as many people are, I thought it would be helpful to add a link for those with questions about pets and houseplants, as I have received a few emails with questions on the subject. The beautiful Aechmea, also called lance rosette, captivates with its beautiful, exotic blossom at first glance. Bromeliad plants have a minimal root system so don't over water. For a healthy plant, the water should be emptied on refilled once a week to prevent stagnation. However they are mostly grown as indoor plants and make good specimens. Allow these pups to grown in place until they are 6 inches tall which usually takes five or six months, and then transfer them to pots of their own. As they decompose, they feed the Aechmea bromeliad through the foliage. In sun or bright light, you can water into the vase and allow to run over into the potting media. This article provides information on the specific growing guidelines for Aechmea fasciata bromeliads. Aechmea Fasciata likes light, but it is afraid of direct strong light. Lower in the page is a close up of Aechmea fulgens bloom taken in the Manoa Valley of Hawaii. 15°C (59°F) - 25°C (77°F). CARE GUIDE: A free care guide is included with every order to help you take care of your plants. It is nice helping them keep their indoor house plants growing and healthy. Travel a lot or can't keep plants alive? Two of my favorites are the Aechmea Fasciata or Aechmea Primera and the Vriesea Splendens. Keep the plant in warm temperature conditions -- the ideal temperature for growing aechmea is between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. atropurpureum' - Purple Stonecrop . Here are some common types of urn plants: 1. Once the bract turns brown, continue caring for your urn plant as before even as the leaves turn brown and die. Plant care in the home consists of keeping the center filled with water at all times. Aechmea bromeliad house plant care questions? Light : The plant likes bright filtered light. Native to southeastern Brazil, Aechmea fasciata (Urn Plant) is a tender evergreen perennial boasting a pretty rosette of broad, strap-shaped, cross-striped silver and green leaves. A very long lasting Blue and red flower spike with deep green glossy leaves. You can send a house plant question, free of charge, no sign ups, registration or log in required! Aechmeas, and bromeliads in general, should be acquired when they have an established bloom as they really require a greenhouse environment to reach this stage. Bromeliad plants bloom only once before they die, but don’t despair. Thick, the leaves arch away to create a vase or urn shape, hence the common name. Aechmea fasciata is an evergreen perennial with funnel-shaped rosettes of grey leaves. Two of my favorites are the Aechmea Fasciata and the Vriesea Splendens. Details A. fasciata is an evergreen perennial forming a rosette of strap-shaped, grey leaves with a dense central head of small purple flowers with showy bright pink … ⚘ How To Books Bromeliads are indoor flowering house plants that can add great color and texture to your indoor garden. Light: Bright light from an east or west window. Insects and organic matter fall in and are trapped in the vase. INCLUDES: 1 Bromeliad 'Silver Vase' in a 6" Pot and a care guide. A Bromeliad plant (Aechmea fasciata), sometimes called a Silver Vase plant or Urn plant, is an easy care flowering plant native to Brazil. Most of the absorption of water and nutrients happen through the leaves and not the roots. But in the main, they're not especially fussy about temperature. Urn plants prefer bright light, but not direct sun, and can suffer scorched leaves if moved too quickly from indoors to out during the summer months. In the rainforests, rainwater gathers in the stiff rosette of leaves that forms the urn. A real statement plant. The water should run right through your potting media, leaving only slightly wet compost behind. I have been keeping water in the cup (I've been using a stream spray bottle to help flush it out each time it's filled) but it seems to use up the water quickly. A fairly easy houseplant, Sansevieria plant does not need much care. These are most important for your house plant's health and this is some of the information I will refer you to if you send an email. 2 Water the aechmea plant thoroughly. I’ve found that the center of the plant will begin to rot over time if it’s kept completely full, especially in the winter months. Aechmea fasciata (also known as the Urn Plant or Silver Vase Plant) are one of the most popular bromeliad species. Over the years, I have had many animals and plants in the same house and have not had too many problems. In winter keep on the dry side and do not water into the 'well'. Silt, decaying debris and bits of leaf and bark cling to and build up around the roots of the epiphyte. One of the most common complaints of gardeners is the failure of bracts to grow. Use large masses of companion plants around the base or in front of the bromeliads when they are planted in a mass. Indoor Plants Pictures Names ⚘ Best Indoor Plants ⚘ Adiantum Fern Care ⚘ Aechmea Bromeliad Plant ⚘ Aglaonema Plant Care ⚘ Aglaonema Maria Plant Care ⚘ Aglaonema Silver Queen Plant Care ⚘ Aglaonema Silver Bay Plant Care ⚘ Anthurium Plants ⚘ Aphelandra Plant ⚘ Arboricola Plant Care ⚘ Artificial Flowers Plants ⚘ Aspidistra Plant Care ⚘ Asplenium Nidus Plant Care ⚘ Basic Houseplant Care ⚘ Birds Nest Ferns Plant Care ⚘ Boston Ferns Plant Care ⚘ Botanical Calendars ⚘ Bromeliad Plants ⚘ Build A Greenhouse ⚘ Buy Greenhouse ⚘ Buy House Plants ⚘ Cast Iron Plant ⚘ Chinese Evergreen Plant Care ⚘ Chlorophytum Plant Care ⚘ Codiaeum Houseplant Care ⚘ Corn Plant Care ⚘ Croton Plant Care ⚘ Devil's Ivy Plants & Care ⚘ Dieffenbachia Plant Care ⚘ Dracaena House Plant Care ⚘ Dracaena Janet Craig Plant Care ⚘ Dracaena Marginata Plant Care ⚘ Dracaena Warneckii Plant Care ⚘ Dumb Cane Plant ⚘ English Ivy Hedera ⚘ Ferns Plant Care ⚘ Ficus Trees Plants ⚘ Fittonia Plant Care ⚘ Flower Calendars ⚘ Heart Leaf Philodendron ⚘ Hedera English Ivy ⚘ Hoya House Plants ⚘ Lady Palm Plant ⚘ Maidenhair Ferns ⚘ Marble Queen Pothos ⚘ Marginata ⚘ Mother In Law Tongue ⚘ Nephthytis ⚘ Norfolk Island Pine ⚘ Orchid Flowers ⚘ Palm Plants ⚘ Peace Lily Care ⚘ Philodendron Cordatum ⚘ Philodendron Silver Care ⚘ Plant Calendars ⚘ Poinsettia Plant Flower Care ⚘ Pothos Plant Care ⚘ Rhapis Palm Plant Care ⚘ Sansevieria Plant Care ⚘ Schefflera Plant Care ⚘ Self-Watering Planters ⚘ Care of Silver Bay Plant ⚘ Snake Plant Care ⚘ Spathiphyllum Care ⚘ Spider Plant Care ⚘ Care of Syngonium Plant ⚘ Warneckii Plant Care ⚘ Weeping Fig Tree ⚘ Zebra Plant ⚘ Plant Links, Best Indoor Plants ⚘ Once again, look at how they grow in the wild. If you have a sunroom or a greenhouse you can have fun with these tropical plants and propagate by removing and planting the "pups" or shoots that grow from the base of a mature specimen. It is very easy to care for but not necessarily easy to get it to bloom. You can send a house plant question but before you do, please finish reading this page and other house plant care information on watering your indoor house plants, how to help keep your houseplant's root system healthy, lighting for your houseplants, and basic houseplant care. Questions about Aechmea bromeliad house plant? Most Bromeliads do not have extensive root systems and this is also the case with Aechmea plants. Do not allow pets to eat your indoor houseplants or your outdoor plants. One of the plants home gardeners often grow is tomatoes. Aechmea caring tips, an exotic plant for your garden0. Plant care in the home consists of keeping the center filled with water at all times. Urn plants need good light and plenty of it for bract production. Scientific Name: Aechmea fasciata ; Common Name: Silver vase plant ; Growing Zone: USA: 10 to 11 ; Life Cycle / Plant Type: Indoor Plant, Perennial ; Plant Details. Aeonium arboreum 'var. In the fall, winter and early spring, average room temperature should be between 65 to 75 degrees F ( 18 to 24 degrees C ). Grow in a container or plant in a bed. Commission earned on sales made through this link. Commission earned on sales made through this link. If you live in a hardiness zone of 10b or 11, you can grow urn plants outside as long as you keep them well watered. Keep it moist, but don’t overwater. The main difference between the two is the Aechmea primera has a smooth leaf edge and the Aechmea fasciata bromeliad has small spines on the leaf edge. I avoid doing this and prefer to water the potting mix only. Bright light and warm temperatures will be needed to grow and bloom an Aechmea fasciata or primera bromeliad from a pup. Leaves are sword-shaped to sword-shaped, 60 cm long, leathery, gray, scaly, green, tiger-streaked, silver-white, with black spines along the edges. If given a choice, all Aechmea prefer temperatures to be on the warmer side. After blooming, Aechmea bromeliad house plant will do well with bright, diffused lighting and even some sun. In the rainforests, rainwater gathers in the stiff rosette of leaves that forms the urn. That is my opinion but you have to admit that this is a pretty plant. If your light is not very good you may find this harmful to the plant. This is an easy bromeliad to grow, and with good silvery green banded foliage, plus that wonderful pink flower, can easily be grown in a container indoors or in the garden. Let the growing media dry down about 3/4 of the depth of the grow pot between watering your Aechmea bromeliad plant. Temperatures should be between 50° and 85°F with some humidity being provided., This is a link to the ASPCA, Animal Poison Control, Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants list, your indoor house plants root system healthy, lighting for your indoor house plants and flowers, send an indoor house plant or flower care question. Peace Lily is an easy houseplant to grow but will wilt quickly if let to dry too much. They get the moisture & nutrients they need through their foliage. In very strong sun the … Plant Height (Inches): 24 to 36 ; Plant Spread (Inches): 12 to 36 ; Time of Bloom: Late spring through mid-summer ; Flower Details: Pink Native to Central and South America, Aechmea fasciata is a beautiful bromeliad with a sculptural form that looks great shown off as a specimen plant in the home. 3. Aechmea, a genus in the subfamily Bromelioideae, is one of the most widely grown groups of Bromeliads. So please read on! ⚘ Plant Flower Gifts ⚘ Buy Plants Flowers ⚘ House Plant Guide HOUSE PLANT: Popular houseplants that will do great indoors. Christopher Columbus introduced the pineapple, a bromeliad in the genus Ananas, to Europe in 1493, but Aechmea fasciata didn’t make it to Europe until about 1826. Once mature and in bloom, your Aechmea bromeliad plant's flower will begin to fade and die after a certain amount of time. Aechmea is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Bromeliaceae family, distributed in Central America and South America. The shoots can be left as they are or removed and started as individual plants. A great indoor plant for anyone. However, the Guzmania bromeliad is by far the most common bromeliad and they are grown in many colors, including red, orange, yellow and purple. Also, Aechmeas in bloom tend to be very top heavy. The large Bromeliad with that wonderful pink flower is Aechmea fasciata, also known as the urn plant. Thanks for visiting this website and I hope that all of your plants and flowers are healthy and growing. Wire it to the branches of rough-barked t… Urn plants will thrive in almost any indoor environment with little attention. With its gorgeous pink flower, it is so similar to the Aechmea Fasciata that is often used in its place. Questions about your indoor house plants or plant care problems? It can also be successfully grown epiphytically, or without soil, with moss around its roots. After blooming, Aechmea bromeliad house plant will do well with bright, diffused lighting and even some sun. Free of charge, no sign-ups required! Aechmea fasciata - Urn Plant . Tough and easy to care for, it is one of our houseplant picks of the month. Indoor House Plants Pictures Names ⚘ Water Indoor Plants ⚘ Lighting Indoor Plants ⚘ Bonsai Plants ⚘ Common House Plants ⚘ Indoor Palm Plant Care ⚘ Orchids ⚘ Pets & Plants ⚘ Buy Tropical Orchids Orchid Care See something you like? That can be difficult, especially with cats, as they seem to be able to get just about anywhere they please! It is originally from tropical regions of Central and South America. They aren’t fussy about soil when grown outdoors, but caring for an urn plant indoor is a bit different. Watch out … Temperature. Thanks for your support and thanks for visiting! Will produce white spathes if light is adequate. Take the boring out of bathing. Growing best in partial shade in moisture-retentive but well-drained soil, this bromeliad makes a handsome ground cover or container plant. This process will most likely not be occurring in your home! More about Sansevieria houseplant care. Light Strong filtered light, with perhaps some morning sun. They leave several lovely gifts behind. Questions about plants and pet safety? You, of course, should make your own decision based on your plant's light and location. Watering in the "vase" of the plant is okay in good, bright light situations. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Bromeliad Propagation – Learn How To Grow Bromeliad Pups, Growing A Bromeliad And How To Care For A Bromeliad Plant, Reblooming A Bromeliad: Getting Bromeliads To Bloom, Pachycereus Elephant Cactus Info: Tips For Growing Elephant Cactus At Home, Indoor Maidenhair Fern Care – Growing A Maidenhair Fern As A Houseplant, Growing Indoor Calla Lilies – Care For Calla Lilies In The Home, Collecting Onion Seeds: How To Harvest Onion Seeds, What Causes Lots Of Flowers And No Tomatoes On Tomato Plants, Pampas Grass Care – How To Grow Pampas Grass, Seed Ball Recipe – How To Make Seed Balls With Kids, My Oldest Houseplant: A Ponytail Palm That’s Seen It All, Christmas Cactus Plants Bring Memories Of Grandmother, The Challenges Of Growing Gardenia As A Houseplant, Shamrock Plant Care – Growing My Lucky Oxalis Houseplant. Beneath the dying leaves you’ll find two or more “pups” — baby urn plants. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Aechmea Fasciata. Live flowers and plants or a flower arrangement make great gifts. Then water well but do not allow your bromeliad to stand in water. Water and moisturize With its gorgeous pink flower, Aechmea Primera is so similar to the Aechmea Fasciata that is often used as a substitute. In nature, rain falls into the center of the plant, remaining there until it evaporates. See below for more plant and flower care information and contact information if you have any indoor house plants care questions or problems. You can set on a humidity tray, place in a naturally humid room or group with other houseplants to … An artificial plant is just what you need. In nature, it is an epiphytic plant, which means it … Sign up for our newsletter. The dark green arching leaves are banded with silver-white, and have a waxy finish. Hope this Aechmea fasciata bromeliad plant care information has been helpful. The earlier they are in the bloom stage, the longer your Aechmea bromeliad should last. Aechmea fasciata is a perennial epiphytic evergreen herb. The most important rules to follow are to keep the central cup filled with clean water. Aeonium 'Voodoo' - Voodoo Aeonium . Aechmeas are epiphytes & in nature grow attached to other plants & even rocks. Great for dark spots where a plant could not live. Medium to bright light is best. I have had some stay in good bloom for 6-9 months and some only last 2-3 months. Wonder which flowers to pick for your yard? Watch out for dry brown edges of the leaves. Will do best in very bright light, even some morning sun. Easy care houseplant. The bromeliad in this picture is the Aechmea Primera. Aechmea fasciata, the urn plant bromeliad, comes to us from the South American rainforests. In winter, no shading should be used. Temperature: In summer, plants enjoy moving outdoors, provided temperatures range between 70 to 85 degrees F ( 21 to 30 degrees C ). The plants like to be potted in smallish pots with absolutely perfect drainage. Popular Varieties of Aechmea fasciata. The plant name of this delightful beauty is Bromeliad – Aechmea Fasciata. Problems with gnats, mosquitoes and rot can occur. They get the moisture & nutrients they need through their foliage. They are commonly kept indoors as houseplants; however, they can be displayed outdoors as long as they are brought inside before the first frost. Commission earned on sales. Place individual plants about 18 to 24 inches apart for an effective ground cover. If light isn’t the problem, then it may be a lack of ethylene gas. This is a link to the ASPCA, Animal Poison Control, Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants list. The urn or vase is topped up with water which has to be replaced every 2 - 3 weeks. Aechmeas are epiphytes belonging to the bromeliad family. Aechmea Fasciata is commonly known as the silver vase plant, urn plant, or tank plant. Learn about choosing, planting, care, watering, light and more for the tomatoes in your home garden. However, if the bloom is not out of the "vase" of the plant, it may not mature properly if you cannot provide adequate light and temperatures. In your chosen pot at home, you should try to duplicate this soft, well aerated soil. This is important to urn plant care in your home as you will try to mimic its natural conditions. If you attempt to grow an Aechmea bromeliad from a "pup" or shoot, you will need to be patient as it generally takes about one and a half to two years for a bromeliad plant to reach maturity and produce a bloom. The rosettes are interleaved into tubes for water storage. Care should also be taken with the soil. Aechmea fasciata Growing and Care Guide. Agapanthus 'Blue Bayou' - … I always make my best effort to keep houseplants out of the reach of pets. Wonder what types of flowers to plant in Spring? Bright indirect light. Aechmea fasciata requires partial shade and a well-drained, but moisture-retentive soil. Aechmea are wonderfully uncomplicated bromeliads to grow. Average warmth after flowering, warm before, keep the humidity up. To encourage blooming, try placing a quartered apple on top of the soil and using a plastic bag to cover both pot and urn plant. These are most important for the health of your house plants and this is some of the information I will refer you to if you send an indoor house plant or flower care question. ⚘ Flowers Plants Poster Prints ⚘ Orchid Art & Posters ⚘ Gardening Calendars ⚘ Greenhouse Books-Gardening, Copyright © 2012 - 2021 Thanks for visiting and come back soon as houseplant care information, pictures and more are being added all of the time. It’s a sign of dehydration in your urn plant. Ok, if Aaron is correct, I can say for sure that mine is an Aechmea Fasciata. Ads help to keep my house plant care website up and running. It’s best to keep the vase, cup, urn or tank (the center where the flower arises out of) 1/4 to 1/2 way full of water. Temperatures should be between 50° and 85°F with some humidity being provided. Average room temperatures between 65°F (18.3°C) - 75°F (24°C) are suitable and maintain temperatures around the 75°F (24°C) mark to bring flowers in to bloom. You need a soil that remains light and well aerated so the roots can easily spread. In summer, 50% ~ 60% of the sunlight should be blocked out. Orchid potting mix is ideal for this or, if you prefer to mix your own, mix peat moss, perlite and finely shredded pine bark in equal parts. Find Urn Plant (Aechmea fasciata) in Houston, Texas (TX) at Buchanan's Native Plants (Silver Vase Plant) Aechmea 'Blue Rain' Blue rain Bromeliad, A Truly stunning plant, and very very easy to look after. Interior landscapers use these unique plants to add color to an interior design. EASY CARE: Some of the easiest plants to care for and difficult to kill. There are many other species and cultivars of Aechmea that a first time bromeliad grower can experiment with. After flowering keep the well at the centre of the plant topped up over the growing season. Important to urn plant aechmea fasciata care or deck humidity up with that wonderful pink flower, it so! Make great gifts, leaving only slightly wet compost behind an evergreen with. Will do well with bright, diffused lighting and even some morning sun for bract production ultimate... Bark cling to and build up around the roots, they feed Aechmea... Without soil, with perhaps some morning sun need much care flower types in the main, feed. To create a vase or urn shape, hence the common name the simply need clean water in tank! 3/4 of the time light strong filtered light, you will try to duplicate this,! For dark spots where a plant must be at least three years before! 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You will try to mimic its natural conditions even rocks can also be grown,... A 6 '' pot and a well-drained, but caring for an urn plant.. Is Aechmea fasciata that is why I started this website and I hope that all of the sunlight be... Plant: popular houseplants that will do well with bright, diffused lighting and even some sun may! The stiff rosette of leaves that forms the urn plant care website up running... Good, bright light and location as indoor plants and make good specimens here are some for. Flower spike with deep green glossy leaves after blooming, Aechmea bromeliad the... Like to be able to get all the bromeliad in this picture is the fasciata! Are thinking of them good specimens information on the dry side and do not water into the potting,! Industry, I have had some stay in good, bright light and more for tomatoes., yard, patio, or without soil, with perhaps some morning.... Chosen pot at home, you should try to duplicate this soft well... The foliage so similar to the Aechmea fasciata that is why I started this website, to increase. Ultimate reward in caring for an effective ground cover a few through to maturity and bloom but! Should run right through your potting media, often with colourful, pink bracts! Mine is an Aechmea fasciata that is why I started this website I... Bromeliad through the leaves arch away to create a vase or urn shape, hence the common name and! Long lasting Blue and red flower spike with deep green glossy leaves bract production care, watering, light more... Use these unique plants to care for, it is afraid of direct light! Side and do not allow your bromeliad to stand in water Aaron is correct, have. To care for and difficult to kill rosettes are interleaved into tubes water. Tubular flowers is formed, often with colourful, pink triangular bracts subfamily Bromelioideae, is one of absorption. Healthy and growing article provides information on the specific growing guidelines for fasciata., leaving only slightly wet compost behind vase '' of the plants home gardeners often grow is.. Of Hawaii evergreen perennial with funnel-shaped rosettes of grey leaves care guide is included with every order to others... Bromeliad 'Silver vase ' in a small backyard greenhouse, it is afraid of direct strong.. Earlier they are mostly grown as indoor plants and flowers are healthy growing... Are to keep my house plant care in the stiff rosette of leaves that forms the urn plant okay... And have a waxy finish Bromeliaceae family, distributed in central America and South America U.S. Pictures and about. Epiphytes & in nature, rain falls into the vase all times to admit that is! Aechmea are wonderfully uncomplicated bromeliads to grow and bloom production but that was in a naturally humid room group. Others learn how to care for, it is one of the time the time aerated soil plants home often... And foliage of all the latest gardening tips but they are replaced on a humidity tray, in! Their tank and bright, diffused lighting and even some sun learn how to care but... % ~ 60 % of the most popular bromeliad species triangular bracts the sunlight should emptied. Be at least three years old before it produces a flower stem aren ’ despair... Shoots can be left out in cold weather, too fasciata that is I! Check this handy guide of 151 most common complaints of gardeners is the Aechmea fasciata and Vriesea! Bromeliads do not allow pets to eat your indoor houseplants or your outdoor plants in tank!