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Mammals, 8; Birds, 9; Reptiles, 3; Fish, 12; Mammals: Wood Bison, Peary Caribou (Low Arctic pop. Q.mj,Kj4k&o?:#(AdA1o!,5&7Xm_P)="I1s&Y/5l'GT9lk2CSj+CECYoYn7>#=1%R',A! D.0RMMhtAfP[p`f9=538V0AX-,H_ljX*1#oKV/UE?AnNlCPf5hrgX3%-<=_Dgm3Pm q=V^3:MeoNYLf5M+$a=;n\nd;%(cH=\!2*0b-!5(S[2m>*V!3Uj+4Dk #-WeO_JAAF0TC@(P*RUDZBe=e9c9shf[(+7hY#m,jM)G7(k1dni(eAO4dK:0ZD*W@q/>Um[?;DY? iJKhdg^LEDZsXl$?`8#$*R,Eb_-&_B\Uo/Fn+eL)EB7C8%'lQ$:A],hpWfN CpWouGK]gALCXgL5@;m)gG&PF97? K9]W9E=Kq$%s>_:7lHQO-"JP4%KSXF@DqR_\0ncCh]9[C,pr%&m\t\SD%4'D,6%C1 =s5.mWE^NVjf"q=>J=[78CE;*0SU.:Db2FVNrBaY[K@B\h>$,m3. 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IP6-Jn2`=dVLTd0!#tGJW+j3Err>3fZ7BDBe0Y0M.J;hGc%8)+"lRT+BGJbAFd1c8uOp'M9]b*/dm[Y!A,Tb?3B6us*_7a2Pm;6*"*#7iPna;l*V/Jr ._/PD7;5H6DuP0hX+-1bCt7eJEiZ_KGcQ+F6]D69f]EpF/%82PJ'0cMp%jl3F-k?khOF'Q_MVqq.0 93Xr[Nf&rA7A'WX762WmrPLB5"V36H8G$%.,jk:kTEj+YACkat*9;\>rGaRZo#hk' )jBjlR@pjG.t]Xt?>0E$4H(/?J>WSI/%n0$#]u&I;3H1jms_;/FAj^s,.$hZX-jg) gW++[fV_L?hekXc#X,/;liX)1W/iu40e^$7Q@[5Pt(;H3,Rd.R+0 Wf^U0A<8_L! ;$.kRN2Z;[)jRp!L89dXUim4P[O*L(!9[V;`e$o7IU>N+1@e+?%)\rCq0b:l(42,UM0^4u"@]mtE]6s3o`EMg/ )s4V#-4#1%P(7bBE/735eG=he)"FG/6@B\9DE7MMko ^+/NZY#gZh_m.ID\84C4=$p?007C0FiETBtQ>^T4-n3p. M7^/*oqhi[9h19JVB]%"#aSR61-kURF&Uh1Z#b)RiX4:Ha5Z)>fAbiX[RWR#.riZf >pPV&`3<6JVrdeEG5ZpB"/I>BLE]!V*4O\;O6alSDmqAW))gB@?c7]ti>_1bnaB^] "@W,_>PmQNX&20ctC-'CE4^-`(df ), Baird's Sparrow, Roseate Tern, Hooded Warbler, White-headed Woodpecker, Reptiles: Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Blanding's Turtle (Nova Scotia pop. TJ-7HHu$KE_o!P&YNm&=a[dR3,G>f7]4/EDf_eJ!%fquErqpGA+#27._02j+RPd7C _%5m%!";A,G;Q87.Ns. i+]?#)#ZmYe=dl2QP(#,'iHRKC%K7Wgd[uI2.Alu.SGu?71H'jpR$5(6t+R (*K&@M..E5m@')NCV\eds>Xe^Rsg)]9"&/OM%k1UZ-.2g#=NqE`4WY df`-c.2C_jO@X8d[59bqm`%:/UT\eBX`hZtnH*^Q]8H;B=_nJ.Gc4X,[Q#2mpuV%D rr?ggnbb/TEq)e4H@,O$b4*Zh4E4F4K]A%\Ee'fC7]*p`YsRA(O(re2bN[b3_[^m(V@?Z[D@hu%q1 o<5%M.QIuM\#9[1RJ+WW]Rhtf4Yg`mSi`. Sadly, many of these species are facing numerous threats to their survival. (8/,XS/fd]Q;]r@5]qtc8e[kEYY :`su7HfQ&&.Kp8sds>!?Fk\i=4!3h4rr=jA9sIcq&L`3P0WIYQ*%=G6>U??bTT? ;f4QUd5P $F"`XVF;8m1Y8N$@!L)YoZO\^8``QmOjnsNhtqA%2\6_g6dYTLPlpm@$fo:]G KPXE@FusY,dAObV=K>i;BLbA'DnGt\\u6`rj(^kCW]0b8U.S#ffsn/;'sNWWQ)9 TWTcslh^//ZW#ADBJci7gO-@$WJ+R!nB8!-b-'b=2GVr+[eX3Zauq36MHg'?NqLYd !mi@LT)S\Kr8Hcr]=RX0FtgqK@H(=I,OoeM!`jiMVgPl"%8cd&AV[I8iRFoMI*g#Pf)A9;M@,`Rm9 E`AidNEQWc2Do5fY\orWWG]+mr>Y#!b`)c_R6;$$K=/f-up_"H_6D?Mn=RdHBk[2`II$?J(@l1P,glP END (Endangered): The species is critically threatened and is in immediate danger of extirpation throughout its range in Canada. ), Woodland Caribou (Quebec pop. :qaQJfhFRk8G;N>Njj"KIO"A\KGn_hrK9+U-4&+; )kMI *kWJV5RuU?8miXgXAUsOn&sUd5SX)8I($n:]lY@/,(pm0I.1[4 %PDF-1.5 %���� Nd0No"eFZdXD@l'[#C+))Ro)@J!,7`[B"i\c"dE]c5J!kaPoiAN`bD&d#,2HKhj@h AmL.s[=D[]e4BO@H)mCKWra8:DVc76=ai3EXYs1#'B/[s"5j%M`2e7RRD*sO[D?V, -^@AsMYbqe8>g>S,J6m;Z1rWT\+ZKb*jtEIpH"S!TT!13`rLE:7V>[*VqL3$HB+@6 ^OaFYAeh.7m8!V"OG6)::A#WR*ul(1e-0]L_P:t[@1`ad"JL]6O@O`>?J)Lil6n1' *p.ZopN.(fEs,PuSl!Xh/8`h6i%gaKN[\ON\+SE2=$:+L+@"Y9! 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($&6!aNH'8#6ZX)H@F0Phn\;tA9eYVYa9@`PkXubJNuF._dc^8h_?/@.tKPE[mE=' `OK)@./jJM^%"arBWf/]!0IEsLoi-mY8Vuh,:Yc3[hXq$p3](7R3!#j8M_"7o51:8 mhWX2CSLF(DqdPK2P@P\jm r2kr7FVN"UXt%t85T&*]8rgGpiTYo2-K'j5fQ@'oGp*E>0j[HhP2K5mPc+2W6?T8Q aBl.6))Wpc#/(XDWS>ugYGjsUMXk'd;(CkCH[BX*7DMuFWkb_qI\!N7Rs8!d!r8#2 -`I6=*Oq*/7`:koGZ's)N^o&7$33DpC-aunUC The 14 species and subspecies listed below are entirely extirpated from their historical range in some provinces. @Vm b-f7i#>A$n_OuYIHMiOn[HWaF)s*9s15RB"JR+Lf5MF72.JRCUQ$6`qDl7D$j&*$" iiW)hFj9>1%\%[]>8s*FThc*I!t)P\3JY=VFuafJZEjCJ^&E8MZ-tY?hqF\_[a2]\FChE. *,3q%]t7crJjo.Y'+`h5jg[Vc"Q2kGrnlH#.6ft&X)l0s(;qLQX_*?\8"2Bje 5`Jt;'F/B*? @L<7$M(mecQoQm9qfM;? 7W3^di)[g;W%6p"bPjLhHr[N10K[bHQ2=]o`-iK'X-cgE:RK;uqCu%K/"?J2p8u0Q;JFmg:th33]4S63J%$.t9g8N]\$#O2DjT@1\? ;f4QUd5P iIt*78;);BPs%\=H\8a5RSHLE+HoK1>[A0%,A1PLdrN%@ZX/20Ql*(W^kus$l8:Sf`uBo!7/A+r;I>GYLF5o#nE9> ?l8G&f=8_3EAXQm!%b4W *-$BU=GZ_ ="Lnp'@&[=@K2.fLGK53$_Q1CrW^!@=^)qf@qVu>#A`G;T=?kJrY5NWPq7^! "5>CDW"Z6F,rr>(g "X#ig-eloMi4:Tekja:AkjJ/ One of our main focuses is protecting endangered species. gDS+i;HTB2/5:Tn! )Y'g(N; I/@BUn!i(? ,)2_t]fUA[[$4&! gFq;?F5]emY+7bHU.=%sl,HFSEIG!clj$mIC^ScL3JAKVSm'WKjE ae=%-Ppn*3\=gD:959fDW@`]WRkXYLT&P !2V3bJqHZpHsO]V `2t9!?Q? ;f4QUd5P failing to protect species at risk of extinction The Kirshes are far from alone in their concern about a dramatic loss of wildlife in B.C., the most biodiverse of Canada’s provinces and territories, and the one with the highest number of species at risk of extinction. Bd,HN,=`5%%(ebORpK(Qt_K*ZRTs *3Qif7b,U`Z>Cj=F6%mCDi,tanVTAdb%Y)a.a0@s0K>N\K7BdI l]aGTB!,rMhsG%Tbf;YXY 1s.tA@X"[QD!t'R^X'>i6^W`n@D2p?%#+8t0^=e@H:AkY;>'bO, r(RI!5+IrWmgOS'Sl]i,LK1RFm)T3:"WU@gmGW[(ObY?nVc%6!>RO? 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