Do you think humans will one day inhabit other planets? 14,180 discussion and conversation questions for speaking practice. If you could only pack five things for a trip to an unknown place, what would you take? Sport. Job Board Teacher … Do you think it’s necessary to be a morally good person to succeed in society nowadays? If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be? A teacher 19. Many ESL lessons consist of the basic … Entertainment. What role do animals play in law enforcement? Are you addicted to anything, such as coffee, tobacco? Do you get along with them? Wow, this is just what I need! CONVERSATION TOPICS - Advanced level A list of conversation topics suitable for advanced level learners of English. What do you think of alternative medicine? What do you think this means? Select a category above from either the general, grammar or business sections and click on the link. You can also look through our other resources or opportunities to teach abroad with ESL Workshop. Travel 5. Have you … Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Technology. ESL Conversation Lesson Questions: Free classroom handouts. Is the tap water safe to drink in your country? ESL Conversation Questions. The ESL discussion questions are designed to be accessible to a general audience, but are open enough to allow advanced speakers to develop more complex responses. 1,000 Conversation Questions: Want more questions? Why? Have you done it? Have you ever discriminated against others? Family. If you want to relax after class, what will you watch? Here you can find questions on many suitable topics and some targeted to elicit specific language. CONVERSATION TOPICS - Intermediate level A list of conversation topics suitable for intermediate level learners of English. Restaurant 3. Imagine you manage a company and you want to employ some people, do you prefer men or women? Was the US-lead invasion of Iraq in 2003 an act of terrorism? When are children old enough to move out of the house? Do you know any unsolved mysteries from your town, city, or country? ESL conversation Questions Teens. What is the meaning of Christmas? Have you ever donated blood? Family. Can criminals such as paedophiles and rapists truly be rehabilitated? 3. ESL Discussions Starter Questions In the ESL textbook, Smart Choice: Level 2, there are some small group discussion starters in one of the chapters. What do you see yourself doing in your retirement? You can also look through our other resources or opportunities to teach abroad with ESL Workshop. Do the majority of adults vote in your country? How old were you when you first learned to drive? ♦Note: It's a good idea to pre-teach essential vocabulary before beginning a discussion. Banking: Would banking services improve if banks were made public? Should it be legal? Would you commit a crime to save your family? Should hitchhiking be illegal? I will update and expand the ESL conversation questions list on an ongoing basis. Have been searching the internet for a site like this. Is artificial insemination against human nature and evolution? Can not eating make your body and mind healthier and stronger? If you could rebuild your country, what would you change? Other than increasing salaries, what can employers do to make their workers happy? What is the ideal number of children to have? ; For Teflpedia's complete list of topics see Category:conversation questions. What are some alternative parenting ideas? Title: Conversation Questions - Fame Author: Keywords: conversation questions, fame, esl, efl, tefl Created Date: 4/3/2016 12:40:54 PM Grammar Practice Discussion Questions; Select Page. Look no further, take a look at our long list of topic based conversation questions. Most topics are suitable for pre-intermediate through intermediate level classes (B1/B2). Is it okay to send our garbage into space? This has saved hours of work and is exactly what I was looking for, thanks. Are caesarian sections becoming more common in your country? A museum 15. You must be logged in to post a comment. it’s very amazing,informative and useful conversation topics. What industries are strong in your country? How has the idea of marriage changed throughout history? I have no idea what that means in any language. What will you when you get retired? I hope this can get my students talk more. Or have you ever lost a child? Should voluntary plastic surgery be banned? ESL Conversation Questions for the ESL classroom. Or is there something in humans that makes us view certain things as good and others as bad? Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) For general advice on using conversation topics, see the article on conversation questions. What is déjà vu? Open Mic Style ESL English Discussion and Debate Topics . Which do you prefer — living in the countryside or the city? What message does the media send to young people about beauty? Hello! How can educators and parents promote creativity in children? Have you ever had to take the law into your own hands? What do you think of the salaries of professional athletes? Have you ever had a near-death experience? Get married? Nature vs. Nurture: Is intelligence rooted in genetics? Did you get caught? I've been looking for the useful topics for my students, and this is what I've wanted! Not only can you practice using Second Conditional but can also let loose all your crazy dreams, ideas, long-cherished desires that, for some reasons, you can’t fulfill at … 6. What do you think of IKEA and its products? Leave a Comment. LEARN ENGLISH. If you had one minute to leave your home, what would you take with you? What characteristics do they often have? Fashion. Crime. Have you ever had a problem with a bully? How so? Which do you prefer: the winter or summer Olympics? What do you think of your country’s health care system? Which is worse for children: the Internet or TV? Topic. Listen to an audio discussion about adapting to other cultures, learn vocabulay and expressions associated with culture and discover how to answer the most common questions that people may ask about this interesting subject. Stereotyping: Do national stereotypes hold any truth? What is the most important subject(s) in school? What measures are in place to protect your safety right now? What genre of books or movies do you enjoy? Have you ever had a near-death experience? Did it work out? Superlatives . What methods are used in your country to prevent pregnancy? What is your definition of “sport”? What are the best and worst gifts you have ever received? Do you believe today’s generation of teenagers are more sexually active than the generation of 30 years ago? About English Current . Which is the worst and why? If you became elderly and alone, would you rather live in a senior citizen’s home or with your children? Do you have any interesting job interview stories? What message is more important to send to overweight youth: ‘be happy with yourself’ or ‘lose weight’? I just discovered this site and found it amazing. If God exists, why are there so many problems in the world? ThankThanks so much for posting this. (Photo: Pexels) Understanding idiomatic expressions can be one of the biggest challenges for second language learners. Should children be prohibited from reading certain books? Free talk time is essential to integrate new vocabulary and language skills. Is your country becoming more or less violent? questions about medical marijuana, questions about potential side-effects of vaccines). If you could choose, would you rather have a daughter or a son? Freud argued that most people have both heterosexual and homosexual tendencies. All Questions; Topics; Grammar or vocabulary; Questions for textbooks. Is ‘the student life’ the best time in people’s lives? How would you compare the quality of education in your country to other countries? A foreign country 17. The topics are so cool for my Korean Students Online. However I would like to make a request: would it be possible to add Conversation Lessons on Chemist and Vaccine? I find most of these questions helpful and interesting, so I thank you for that, but there are questions that I think are inappropriate to ask your students, particularly the questions about love, dating, and crying. The questions are grouped by theme and are in a handy copy and cut-out format. This is an English conversation lesson about culture and nationality. Why are you learning English? Imagine you could live twice as long. Does your country have many illegal immigrants? Have you ever been the victim of a crime? You can also look through our other resources or opportunities to teach abroad with ESL Workshop. What important advice you want to pass on to your children? Is capital punishment (the death penalty) practiced in your country? This is an amazing website for freetalking. Do you prefer to watch TV or use the Internet? How long should a couple date before they move in together? What do you think of it? Please leave a comment or review below or on… this absoluetly fantastic thanks for the great stuff, Tell me meanings of this sentance in english انسان چائ جيسا بهي هو اس كو ان سي كوئ عزت نهين ملتا انسا كا اچها چيز اس كا اخلاق هي وه اخلاق اور آداب كي وجه سي آگي بڑهتا هي. Where would you like to go on your next holiday? Do video games make people, particularly children, violent? What is the stereotype of your nation’s citizens? again many thanks! Favorite rooms 9. How to Create Great ESL Discussion Questions. Hacktivism: are hacker groups, like Anonymous, heroes? I’m sure you can come up with the same questions, especially if you have worked in the field. Leave a Comment. Looking for conversation questions to match your topic? Do you believe you make real choices in life? Do opposites attract? Do you believe capital punishment makes the public not want to commit crimes? Have you ever personally suffered from discrimination in your family/ in your society? ESL Conversation Questions: Have you traveled abroad? Thanks! i am an english teacher and do conversation classes for which i keep on searching different methods and this has really been great help to make a different class. Crime. This site is G R E A T!!! again many thanks! What do you believe are the top predictors of job performance? How about the worst looking celebrity? Should university education should be free? Conversation Question Ideas - Small Groups Time: 45-60 minutes Directions: This is a no-brainer. hello mike do you enjoy teaching English? Work. 1000 ESL Conversation Questions; ESL Activities for Kids; About/Contact; You are here: Home / ESL Conversation Questions / Topics. Make talking, listening, and speaking a key part of your ESL program. WOW this site is great. Were you ever left alone or lost for a long time as a child? What do you tell your son? What things can make an apartment a great apartment? Have you heard of the paleolithic diet? ESL introduction questions If you… Conditional questions starting with If you… are perfect for ESL discussions . Do you believe sexual preference comes from genetics or the environment? What do you know about your neighbors? Should some vaccinations be mandatory? Use these questions start the discussion. English lesson on VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES. Within each conversation topic you will find a selection of questions. Is this fair? Conversations are the easiest way for students to feel more comfortable in the classroom. thanks these questions are very helpful for my sophomore students, Thanks so much. Do you often use the Internet? Business Conversation Questions. Depending on the discussion questions, you could also add some useful vocabulary words, such as 'primary care', 'general practitioner', and 'disease prevention.' Thanks. Is it possible to give Artificial Intelligence (AI) to robots? Conversation Questions are a good way to promote speaking in the classroom.. You can easily promote speaking in the classroom by printing these questions and giving strips of paper to students so they can take turns to speak and let the interaction move from there with follow up questions. How far back can you trace your family history? What were you doing when the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened? Learning English. It’s a huge help! Have the police ever wounded or killed an innocent citizen? What is NATO? Is there a place that you’d never visit again? Do you believe in “the one” (does everyone have a ‘perfect match’)? Select a category above from either the general, grammar or business sections and click on the link. You are free to use this material in class. Do you believe people of the same blood-type have similar characters? Have their been any major disasters in your area? A memorable event 13. What do you think your life will be like in 2045? Check out our complete list of ESL Conversation Questions. The 4 questions are: Have you ever met or seen a famous person? If you haven’t been overseas, which country would you most like to visit? Do you think it’s good for colleges and universities to provide scholarships to athletes? Create an account; Login/ Logout ; Jobs. Would you like to know the gender of your child before it is born? I have been looking for topics for my ESL class. If you were rich, what would you change about your life? Do the Olympics unite the world or divide it? Do you support the idea of universal health care? How can a person make a good first impression? What makes you feel better when you’re angry or depressed? Do you believe in the idea of a soul, separate from the physical body? Where do you draw the line between worrying about safety and living your life? These conversation topics are a godsend! Does your country have any special holidays or festivals? Do you think countries should share the responsibility of accepting refugees? What did you do? Thank you for your positive feedback. What bank do you bank with? The questions are grouped by theme and are in a handy copy and cut-out format. Home; Resources. Have you ever been involved in a protest? What are some things you would like to accomplish before death? A combined research, presentation and discussion module would bring in some interesting language, and give the students a grounding in an important area. Do you believe in stories about out of body experiences? Topic. Have you ever been in an accident? Home; Resources. About how many hours a day do you use the Internet? Have you ever done it? ♦Note: It's a good idea to pre-teach essential vocabulary before beginning a discussion. 4 min read. Would you swim there? Breaking out discussion questions like the ones below, questions about everyday things, works well because these types of questions really get the brain thinking, 124 relate directly to the students on a familiar level and can even incite some fascinating discussions between students, all while you sit back and listen! “History Repeats Itself” – do you believe this? Communication is the cornerstone to learning English—the reason why your students are glued to their seats during every class. These topics makes me feel great and free worries..Thank you so much. Jealousy: is it possible to control this emotion? Why do many people dislike their parents-in-law? What weapons do the police carry in your country? (note: please avoid telling extremely sad stories) What are potentially deadly things that you encounter every day? Are synchronized swimming, ballroom dancing, and darts sports? Website 6. This material is completely free to use, so please feel free to share it widely! ESL conversation Questions Teens. A man gets honoured by his good manners only. What do you think of this? Could you live in an area that could have a natural disaster at any moment? LEARN ENGLISH. Who is the most popular athlete from your country? Money is more important than love. Do you think technology will help humans live longer and longer? Should children be raised to eat everything on their plates? What household chore do you despise the most? it helps alot to open the door easily for students to communicate in their english class.thanks. Pets and Animals. Who do you go to when you need advice? Do you have them? Should the right to protest be a universal right? Should young children be able to access the Internet freely? What will you do if you break up with your friend? Are you comfortable with shopping online? Will robots cause rising unemployment in the future? What kind of weapons? A brilliant way of getting the class started with some of these topics. A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. If you found an elixir that, once drank, would allow you to live forever, would you drink it? How is New Year’s celebrated in your culture? How do you balance work and your personal life? What are the values of the company you work for? Hope there will be more post next time. It has been so useful for my English Classes. This entry was posted on Monday, November 19th, 2012 at 4:26 pm and is filed under Business English, Conversation Lessons.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Was there anything difficult about learning to drive? Thank you and you make my mind free for searching different methods for my conversation class. I keep searching on different methods just like sunita. Should interviewers be prohibited from asking about age, marital status, residency, etc? Are you scared of how much information Internet companies such as Google have about you? The topics can be discussed in pairs, small groups or large groups. Do you believe in the distinction between left-brained and right-brained people? Should the legal drinking age be changed? What are the pros and cons of going out with an older woman (or man)? What steps do you take to protect your data and privacy? Concerning the production of energy, which is the most important consideration: human value or environmental risk? So many questions – and nice ones! CAUTION: Some of the content from here on out can be a bit inappropriate in classrooms. Has reading made you a better person? Which of these do you do: attend English classes at school, learn English with a tutor (private teacher) or study English yourself (on your own)? How would you define “robot”? Is it common in your country for people to live with their grandparents? Some airlines and restaurants seem to only hire attractive people. Should people have fewer children, considering the world’s population and environmental problems? Go ahead Sir! “The Survival of the Fittest”: How important are survival skills in our society? Do you become a better person every year? Tweet. Or do you prefer bottled water? Discussion Questions for Parties, Games, or Activities. ESL Conversation Questions: How is business English different from conversational English? TEFLtastic. Who are some famous people who were executed? Sport. If so, from what age? 1000 ESL Conversation Questions; ESL Activities for Kids; About/Contact; You are here: Home / ESL Textbooks / Learning English. Have you experienced sexual harassment in the workplace? Who is the best looking celebrity in your country? Home . What accent do you find easiest to understand? Is it ever okay to hit (or spank) your child? Do you think that children these days have a better or worse childhood than your generation? Why do many celebrities have drug and alcohol problems? Does your country need more or fewer surveillance cameras? I am carrying this lot with me to every class, just in case there are a few minutes spare… They are also going to be great for my one-to-one classes. You save my day! What are some common travel scams? Do women often face discrimination in the workplace in your country? Does morality come from education? ESL Conversation Questions (EFL Discussion Questions), The Difference between 'a few/few/a little/little', The Difference between "Other" & "Another", The Social Dilemma: A Lesson on Social Media (Upper-Intermediate), The Social Dilemma: A Lesson on Social Media (Advanced), Bad Habits to Break to Improve Your Life (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan), Political Correctness (PC) Gone Mad (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan), Grammar: Present Perfect vs. Past Simple (Review & Exercises), Making Questions Lesson 1: Yes/No Questions (Rules & Exercises), Four Sentence Structures: Simple, Compound, Complex, & Compound-Complex. Should insane people be punishable by death? I think you should stay away from partisan politics. Do you make a New Year’s resolution every year? What is the best way to protest a government? Violence is sometimes necessary. If you don’t see your topic let us know what we are missing and we’ll add it! Try adding and removing questions that are most relevant to your classes. Who was your favorite teacher from your school days? A letter 22. What are the pros and cons of owning a pet? Controversial and mainstream topics. Thanks! this topics are so assistance, i adore it so much. 100 Warm-Up Questions for ESL Students by . Do you occasionally experience it? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Cancel reply. If you could travel in time, to what time would you go and why? What is a mid-life crisis? Should researchers at universities also be required to teach classes? Has a computer virus ever caused problems for you? 2. The US is a country that is known throughout the world for its culture, history, innovation, and people. What was the worst punishment you received as a child? What’s your opinion of video games? How important is it for your partner to be beautiful? Job Board Teacher … Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Are there many refugees living in your country? ; Go to another, random topic The ESL discussion questions are designed to be accessible to a general audience, but are open enough to allow advanced speakers to develop more complex responses. Work Hours: Can countries that have a shorter workweek stay competitive? Have you ever witnessed a miracle or something supernatural? What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? Such a help! Amazing!! Should developing countries be required to cut emissions as well? ... ESL vocabulary exercise & discussion questions for the environment (PDF) More discussion exercises. Check out our complete list of ESL Conversation Questions. Do schools in your countries have cafeterias? Do you think our culture is too dependent on medicine? Generally speaking, how do you think the men and women of you country are viewed by foreigners? Work. They are available to all site visitors. If you could be an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why? Do you trust the police to help you when you’re in need? the awesome one! ESL Conversation Questions (EFL Discussion Questions) Here is a list I created of hundreds of ESL conversation / discussion questions that you can use in a conversation English class. )?Which were you part of? What characteristics should a good police officer have? Do you have any customer service horror stories? Where did your ancestors come from originally? Why or why not? I'm saved! Do you think 40 hours a week is too much for humans? The discussion questions you use should evoke thoughts and opportunities for your students to express themselves in new, creative ways. If so, what are they? Your ESL students are ready to discuss several aspects of the American culture because they know quite a bit about it. Get all of our questions, plus many more, in an easy to access format. I think it’s great to have students talk in class about many different topics. Students should be required to study English in elementary school. Presents 10. Would you be for a one-child policy for overpopulated countries? i didn’t have a clue how to do conversation club, after searcing it, i’m really confident myself. What do you think of custom of giving an 15-18% tip in North America? Do they serve healthy food? (Download) 28 ESL Discussion Topics for Adults That Everyone Has Opinions On Would you rather burn or freeze to death? “No Make-Up Day”: would this be a good idea? These are the questions that I was looking for! Do you worry about the safety of the food you eat? Do you think the end of the world is near? Watch TV or use the Internet helps alot to open the door for! Witnessed a miracle or something supernatural young children be allowed to retire earlier do an advanced class... Is essential to integrate new vocabulary and language skills banks were made public available as a second language job graduation. 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